Monday, November 4, 2013

Edit foto menjadi soft dengan Photoshop

Kali ini saya iseng mencoba tutorial agar foto tampak lebih soft. Lebih lengkapnya dapat liat di video ini:

Setelah saya mencoba,  hasilnya jadi seperti ini: 

Selamat  berkarya! :D

Friday, November 1, 2013

menghaluskan wajah dengan photoshop

well, kali ini gw coba belajar menghaluskan wajah dengan photoshoop. berbekal buku "light it shoot it retouch it" by scoot kelby. nah, mungkin ini bisa menjadi referensi bagi kalian yang ini belajar. selamat mencoba :D

1. langkah pertama, hilangkan terlebih dahulu noda di wajah. duplikat terlebih dahulu layer lalu pilih healing brush tool (shift-J ). perbesar atau perkecil  brush menggunakan tanda kurung kiri dan kanan.
2. tekan Alt dan klik sekali pada area dekat noda. pastikan tidak ada noda di tempat kamu mengklik.
3. pindahkan kursor ke tempat di atas noda. klik sekali, dan noda pun hilang.
4. lalu pilih menu filter, do bawah blur dan ke menu glaussian blur. kemudian muncul kotak dialog dan masukkan 20 pixel dan klik ok.
5. lamgkah selanjutnya, turunkan opacity ke 50% kemudianklik Alt di ikon layer mask. pastilan warna foreground kamu diatur menjadi putih. lalu pilih brush tool dan beri warna pada area wajah
sesuai dengn yang kamu inginkan.

ini hasilnya:

selamat mencoba!

Friday, October 25, 2013

Green and Great

I'm trying to make a picture that Chandra feel great and fresh. Here we go :)

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Concept in prewedding album

I’m trying to make a concept in prewedding album
From cover, page to page. Actually, this is still unfinished
But I’m plan to make it in next project and I'm sure finish it until back cover J


page 1

page 2

page 3

page 4

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Prewedding Preparation

What should we do if someone want us to take picture for prewedding? This's the first first for me. And quite make me confused, about the preparation because I never join any management photo before. Moreover, I still don’t have any equipment.  So, the step I take is: (1) go to location and find the spot before photo session day. (2) have an agreement with client about the system. That system can consist: the session, time, editing, how much photo they will get, and so on.

However, this first prewedding photo shoot is very big experience for me. We cannot think that everything will be okay. Sometimes, what client say before can be different after photo session. Especially, about the photo selection and editing. So, what I learn in this project is: we must make a deal to client specifically. Communication is very important thing and we must brave to firm with client.

Don’t tired of learn
Sincerity is the most important, whatever the job we take
Do what you love and love what you do
C’est la vie! 

Friday, October 4, 2013

Time to walk

Where will we go today?
He goes to Jakarta about 1 month, but exactly  we just meet once in a week
and today we plan to go somewhere...
which have something good to breath
Cause we bored with mall everywhere
And the question is, what kind of place that people can go beside mall?
We can't imagine if people go to the mall every weekend and they bring their children

Oh God, just be consumerism....

So, here we go...
We bring tripod and take some picture
Walking around, feel the good air...

Hopefully you like it

Friday, September 6, 2013

Maternity Photo shoot

Thanks to mba Dina and her husband. My pleasure for took some picture of them. Hopefully the baby get health and grow well 

Friday, August 16, 2013

Toys Photoshoot

Bermain bersama keponakan tersayang, Helena Victoria di Yogyakarta. Sontak membuat saya terdiam sejenak. Warna warni dari beragam permainan. Menarik perhatian saya untuk memotretnya dalam satu lukisan kaku yang maya, fotografi. 

Photoshoot at Ancol, Jakarta

Ada job pertama untuk motret prewed. Tapi hari-hari sebelumnya cek lokasi dulu untuk motret di spot mana aja. Meryl siap menjadi model untuk mengecek apakah spotnya asik dijadikan tempat foto. Daan..ini dia hasilnya :)

Thursday, August 1, 2013