Sunday, April 29, 2012
Resep telur orek buncis
- telur 2 butir
- bawang putih (cincang)
- garam secukupnya
- buncis (iris dan rebus)
- kecap manis
- saos sambal
- saus tiram
Cara buat:
1. Kocok telur, cincangan bawang putih, dan tambahkan garam secukupnya
2. Panaskan minyak di wajan lalu goreng telur
3. Orek telur dengan api kecil lalu tambahkan kecap manis, saus tiram, dan saus sambal
4. Masukkan buncis yang telah direbus dan masukkan sedikit air rebusan
5. Aduk merata dan sajikan di atas nasi panas
Selesai! :D
Saturday, April 28, 2012
Happy Birthday Atika
24 April was Atika's birthday and I made something sweet. Birthday greeting card from some friends. Hope you like it, Atika... :)
28 April, my friend and I made a surprise to Atika. We came to her house and successfully made she shock. Hahaha...I'm so grateful that Mhiersa made a birthday cake. Yummy! :D
28 April, my friend and I made a surprise to Atika. We came to her house and successfully made she shock. Hahaha...I'm so grateful that Mhiersa made a birthday cake. Yummy! :D
"happy birthday Tika..happy birthday Aaaaatiikaaa!!"
"we always love you..always"
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